I learned that I have the power to initiate change, and I possess the invaluable tool of the Gospel to impact the world. Before the training, I felt inadequate to bring about change in my community. Now I realize that I don't need to wait for someone else to act; I can take the initiative and make a difference today."I have no more hesitation to share the story of my God, because I already understand Him and I love my God so much. I got this understanding of how faithful He is in my life and I also want to let other people know about it. I just don’t wanna keep the good news only for myself but others deserve that too….. He calls me to seek and save the lost. Yes, I was lost but now I’m found! And now, I also want to participate in His mission of finding the lost lambs."

Indra - Indonesia
Changemakers Indonesisa 2024
"I remember one of the first EE sessions I did at Changemakers, we looked at Mark 1:17 “‘Come, follow me’ Jesus said ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’” … It was like a lightbulb moment for me. The rest of the training I have done has simply enriched that message: that Jesus has called me to share His good news with others. Secondary to that, the Changemakers training helped me identify gifts God has given me, and roles I can play as part of God’s community, and gave me time to sit and reflect and ask God and listen to his response about what He wants to do with my life. Since Changemakers, I have been able to go through life not knowing all the exact steps God wants me to take but with the confidence that no matter what, I can fulfil His calling by sharing His gospel with those around me, in my circles of influence."

Ruby - Australia
Changemakers Finland 2022
"One of the best things that changemakers gave me was EE4G (a tool to share my faith). I used to be very scared about where to start in sharing the gospel. God also reminded me how many people in my neighbourhood are still yet to be saved and God gave me a burden and calling to be in my country and work among the youth. Even the Christian youth are lost and need to know the truth of the Good News. After learning EE4G, I’ve shared it with many believers as well as non-believer youth. Before, it was a hard task, but now sharing the Good News with others gives me Joy. Changemakers reminded me that Jesus is the center of my life and also of everything I do. I understand that a true leader is one that serves just like Jesus."

Grace - India
Changemakers Indonesia 2024
“This program had in it various teachings that were the tools that I needed to master in order to glorify God in sharing the Gospel effectively and easily, but also in getting serious with God in the area of my calling…During the changemakers program I got a new fire burning from the inside to always see Jesus Christ glorified anywhere, anytime, by everyone. Since I got back from Kenya, everyone who knows me can tell, the Lord has been using me mightily for his glory…I am all in for Christ."

Japhet- DRC
Changemakers Kenya 2024
"At Changemakers, I learned a lot about John 10:10 - “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” I learned that living life to the fullest doesn't mean having an abundance of all the good things on earth, but it means submitting to God and His will for your life. This is because the things that God has for you, and living a life in service to Him, is so much better than anything this world could offer, because the things that He wants for you are always so much better than the things you want for yourself. This world is full of people who are lost and are searching for this life, but they don’t know about Jesus who offers it to them freely. We have been called to “seek and save the lost” and share this with them."

Jess - Australia
Changemakers Indonesia 2024
Changemakers Kenya 2024
Changemakers Kenya 2024

Varen - Indonesia
Changemakers Indonesia 2024